EDGE Advantage
Advantage students learn through collaborative, project-based learning by working in the community with business, government, and nonprofit organizations on authentic projects. They apply academic learning and refine employability skills. Students also explore careers in their area of interest, expanding their network and learning through doing. This program awards one credit per semester.
Advantage Leaders: Lindsey Hyman, EDGE Coordinator and Business Teacher, BHS
Email: abossard@boone.k12.ia.us & lhyman@boone.k12.ia.us or call ​515-433-0890 ext. 6212
More About Our EDGE Advantage Program
This course allows students to select projects that align with their interests. Students select projects from a Trello project board and update the board as they complete their project. Meetings with other Advantage students are held once a week to discuss progress and allow for collaboration. Please view the Trello Project board at the link below to view current projects.
If you'd like to submit a project, click on this link, or call or email Lindsey Hyman to submit your project idea!
Authentic EDGE Projects
As EDGE leaders, we are always looking for authentic projects that support community partners and encourage student learning. Organizations can submit potential projects for EDGE students to the Boone EDGE program at any time using our project proposal form. Potential projects are placed on a project board, and EDGE advisors and students review new projects to match student interests and talents with the organization’s needs.
In EDGE Advantage, we do career-based projects to get a feel for the field that you are interested in. We have this event called Project Palooza. This is where we have different business partners come to the class periods and present their projects to the students. We also have a website to search for the projects that interest the students. The website is called WBL Clearinghouse. It has a bunch of available projects for the students to pick from.
Some of the projects include:
Taking pictures of products to sell in online stores with Lane Trailer 'Joslyn Messler'
The story walk with The Sherry Group 'Cooper Santi'
Painting concrete playground with United Community School 'Alexys Sonkson and Addie Tungesvik'
Editing the website for Seven Oaks wedding venue 'Taylor Beck'
Helping design an inclusive PE class for all students at BHS 'Joshua Ingram'