Boone Home School Assistance
215 West 8th St Boone, IA 50036 Phone: (515) 432-1550
The Boone Community School District Home School Assistance Program (BHSAP) is pleased to provide Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) services to local families and those open enrolled into the program.
Living within the district’s mission, the Boone Home School Assistance Program supports and assists parents who choose the role of primary educator for their children. This mission is accomplished by customizing education, providing approved resources, and creating a learning community among our staff and program families.
The goal of the Boone Home School Assistance Program (HSAP) is to empower parents to educate their children in the home environment with the assistance of credentialed teachers and administrative staff who can help them achieve educational goals. Home Educators take legal responsibility for the educational progress of their children. Boone HSAP will come alongside to help them meet the standards set by the State of Iowa and the Boone Community School District, but the primary responsibility always remains with the parent or legal guardian.