During the week of February 6-10, Boone High School National Honor Society held a coin war amongst third period classes. Students brought in silver coins for positive points and could sabotage other classes by bringing in dollar bills for negative points. The race was heated, and the lead changed almost daily!
The third period winners were Mr. Maier’s class with over 13,000 points! The National Honor Society would like to thank all of Boone High School for participating in the coin war and bringing in over $1,000 to be donated to the Hope Foundation! Way to go Toreadors, you make a difference in the lives of many!

We’re looking forward to our 7-12 grade Choir Extravaganza, which will be held Tuesday, February 21 starting at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium. We invite you to join us for this special performance! 🎵

Do you plan on enrolling your child for kindergarten at Ledges Elementary for the 2023-24 school year? If so, we’d like to share a few signs that show a child is kindergarten-ready:
🍏 Your child can recognize and write letters in their name.
🍎 Your child can count and identify numbers 0-10.
🍏 Your child can name colors and basic shapes.
🍎 Your child can hold and cut a straight line with scissors.
🍏 Your child can independently go to the bathroom (as well as snap/zip/button clothes).
🍎 Your child can follow multi-step directions from adults.
🍏 Your child can self-regulate (identify emotions and control/manage strong emotions).
We encourage our families to work on these skills with their children in preparation for kindergarten. We cannot wait to meet our new kindergarteners and families this fall!

REMINDER: There is no school Monday, February 20, for staff professional development. Classes will resume on Tuesday.

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, an annual event that encourages us to perform simple acts of kindness and bring a smile to someone’s day. We challenge our students to do their part by doing something kind whenever they have the opportunity!

Band Jazz for All Ages will be held at 6:00pm tomorrow, February 17, in the high school commons. We hope to see you there!

Due to weather conditions BCSD will have a 2 hour early dismissal today

Due to the weather, Boone CSD will have a 2 hour early dismissal today, February 16th

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Libby (McGrath) Hayes is a 2005 graduate who works at the Oklahoma City Zoo as a senior animal caretaker!

Are you planning on enrolling your child for preschool at Ledges Elementary for the 2023-24 school year? Here are a few tips to make sure your child is ready for success in preschool!
🍎 Provide your child with the time to dress themselves independently.
🍏 Provide your child with the time and opportunities to practice putting on and taking off their shoes independently.
🍎 Provide experiences for your child to ask for help before jumping in to provide support.
🍏 Ensure your child knows and practices how to use their words to communicate!
🍎 Read with your child: let them choose the book, orient the book, and turn the pages. Doing so allows children to learn the basics of reading so they are ready for storytime and independent book opportunities in the classroom!
We’re so excited to welcome our youngest learners this fall at Ledges!

The Boone High School orchestra concert will take place tonight at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium. Our young musicians invite you to join them for this special performance! 🎶

Love is in the air! 💕Valentine’s Day is for everyone, and actions speak louder than words. This Valentine’s Day, let’s all remember to show someone how much we care about them!

The STEM Council recently visited Boone Community Schools for its annual board meeting! After the meeting, members got to see some of EDGE in action.
Our high school students had interns in class to talk about what work-based learning has done for them during their senior year. The STEM Council also had the opportunity to experience an authentic learning class in action and how students were learning to collaborate with each other.
The Council then headed over to Franklin, where a STEM day was happening. Members met with staff to get some behind-the-scenes news and saw our awesome elementary students showing off their knowledge.
We were honored to host the STEM Council!

Club Day is held for 5th-8th grade students on the first Wednesday of each month! Students learn and gain experiences outside the regular classroom by participating in a variety of clubs, including: Movies & Munchies, Hobbies, Outdoor Fitness, Looming, Games, Disney, Basketball, Animals, Writing, Ping Pong, Friend Group, Tennis, Outdoor Activities, Card Games, and Trivia.
*Club Day is made possible thanks to Community Sponsors and support from the District.*

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Rona Rysavy is a 1996 graduate who has been running her own tumbling and trampoline gym in Boone for 24 years!

REMINDER: School WILL be in session on Monday, February 13 as a snow make-up day. Thank you for your cooperation!

Chambray Burk’s students took authentic learning to another level in the Communication Methods class! EDGE came to life when students brainstormed ways to make the community of Boone better.
In their community partnership projects, from the senior center to Ledges State Park, students were able to dive into the Scrum process and stretch themselves using design thinking.
“I loved seeing students truly engaged with their learning because they knew the project was catered to their interests and passions,” Mrs. Burk says. “This authentic learning project demonstrated to students just how essential strong collaboration is in order to achieve a goal. After completing this project, it is my goal to ensure my assessments have an aspect that encourages students to connect content to real-world examples and apply their findings to better their community.”

We are excited to welcome TK-1st grade students to our new Ledges Elementary School this fall. Meet our wonderful team of transitional kindergarten teachers! 🍏
The TK team consists of Mrs. Malin, currently teaching at Lincoln, and Mrs. Zierke, currently teaching at Page. They cannot wait to meet our new students for the 2023-24 school year!

February is Career & Technical Education Month! Our students have opportunities to engage in a variety of work-based learning experiences to help them prepare for future careers, all thanks to our incredible CTE and EDGE Team!
Learn more about the EDGE Continuum: https://www.boonecsd.org/o/edge/page/our-programs

As we prepare to welcome TK-1st grade students this fall at our new Ledges Elementary building, we would like you to introduce you to some of our staff! 🍎
Our amazing team of preschool teachers currently consists of Ms. Tonja, Mrs. Bulver, and Ms. Tepper. Each of them is teaching at Page, but will transition to Ledges Elementary this fall.
We can’t wait to meet our new students for the 2023-24 school year!